iTunes - Aerosmith
Presented below are the lyrics to the Aerosmith song Reefer Headed Woman. While we work hard to ensure our lyric pages are accurate there may be some errors or omissions. Please send any corrections to us by contacting our webmaster.
Reefer Headed Woman Lyrics
I got a reefer headed woman
She fell right down from the sky
I got a reefer headed woman
She fell right down from the sky
Well I got to drink me two fifths of whiskey
Just to get half as high

When the good lord made that woman
He sure went to town
When the good lord made that woman
He sure went to town
Well when he was feeling high
He sure should have been feeling low

I got a reefer headed woman
Lord she fell right down from the sky
Little reefer headed woman
She fell right down from the sky
Lord I got to drink me two fifths of whiskey
Just to get just to get half as high
[Night In The Ruts : 11/01/79]
This track is available on the following CDs
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