iTunes - Aerosmith
Presented below are the lyrics to the Aerosmith song Toys In The Attic. While we work hard to ensure our lyric pages are accurate there may be some errors or omissions. Please send any corrections to us by contacting our webmaster.
Toys In The Attic Lyrics
In the attic
Voices scream
Nothing seen
Real's the dream

Leaving the things that are real behind
Leaving the things that you love from mind
All of the things that you learned from fears
Nothing is left for the years

Voices scream
Nothing seen
Real's the dream

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Voices scream
Nothing seen
Real's the dream

Leaving the things that are real behind
Leaving the things that you love from mind
All of the things that you learned from fears
Nothing is left for the years

Voices scream
Nothing seen
Real's the dream

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic

Toys toys toys
In the attic
[Live Bootleg : 10/31/78 *]
This track is available on the following CDs
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